Saturday, June 29, 2024 7:54:29 AM

My goal for the upcoming week is to assess my financial status; it is my desire to become debt free. The one thing I know, but have difficulty doing, is to stop spending. It goes without saying I have to pay my basic bills: utilities, rent and groceries. Additional spending is the category I need to evaluate: fabric, books, craft supplies, fast foods, junk foods, restaurants, spontaneous purchasing and financial giving.
I have been thinking about my why. Why do I spend money? I spend money because of needs, wants and desire; I spend because it makes me feel good. If I can control my emotional spending I will be able to become debt free.
When I was an active member of the church I gave to the church, to the best of my ability I gave ten percent there was a year in which I had given twenty percent; I was very proud of my giving. Tithing and offerings is not the answer to becoming debt free.
I can’t remember the year I started seeking God about my money it has been years; I have developed a practice of asking Him about my giving before I give. Even though I have debt I am able to pay my bills and help others in need because I do give, I love giving.

2 Corinthians 9:6-9 (KJV)
6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
9 (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever.

All of the churches I have been a part of misrepresented 2 Corinthians 9:6; they encourage people to give more than ten percent without regard to their financial responsibilities. I firmly believe, not everyone is able to give ten percent of their income, for some giving one percent is a great sacrifice. Why give ten percent on Sunday and have to borrow to pay bills on Monday? When you: pay your bills, buy new clothes, get your hair and nails done, hang out with the friends on Friday night and give a few dollars on Sunday, you are giving God your spare change. Don’t give God the leftovers. Ten percent is a goal that you can seek to achieve, or you can learn to give more, I personally don’t know what the percentage of my giving is, I just give. I have not found a church that teaches my way of giving, I am sure there are some out there that do not push tithing and offerings as a mandate from God.

My spending is interfering with my giving, this is a problem to me. Because I have to pay credit card debt and still buying stuff, I am not putting money in my savings account and my desire it to give more. Most women don’t have this problem.
My understanding is that many women spend their money on things that make them look good or make their life easier. Hair salons, clothing stores, restaurants and microwavable foods are all budget busters. Using a credit card to acquire things simply adds to the debt. People can now use their credit card to pay tithes and offerings! How much money can be saved if you don’t buy new clothes and you don’t went tot he salon to get a simple hair trim as oppose to adding fake hair, fake eyelashes and such.

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:” 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

God is my priority (Matthew 6:33). I need to get debt free so that I can give more. I don’t need more clothes. I don’t need to go to the salon for hair trims and mani-pedis every other week. I don’t need to go to restaurants or go to fast foods and I make my own frozen dinners. My get debt free plan starts with finding something to do other than spend money whenever I get upset.

My sisters-in-Christ spend money not because they want to go into debt but because of the idea that “if you look good you will feel good”. There is another saying: “Dress for success”, women dress thinking this is the way to get that man. God’s way to feeling good and being successful is to live a life according to purpose (Romans 8:28-29). If I could tell my sisters one thing it would be: give to your family and friends as the Spirit directs you.
It is not going to be hard for me to stop buying stuff because I have enough projects to keep me busy for a while. It will be hard for a woman who is used to buying carry-out meals for her family, visiting the salon one or twice a month and buying clothes when she is out with her friends or because she wants a new outfit for an event. It will be hard for many of my sisters-in-Christ to stop spending money on herself and letting God give her what she “deserves”. We are to give not grudgingly, not out of necessity but out of love. We are daughters, wives,and mothers this is our priority and our “missions” field; I give to family first.
Yes, give to your church. But first make sure YAHWEH wants you there; it may be a good church but not a church that is good for you. I love giving to the churches I give to, I am a cheerful giver. Despite my debt I am not struggling to pay my bills I just want to stop buying stuff on credit or paying medical bills using a credit card.
My goal is to rebulid my savings account so that I can once again live below my income. In order to achieve my goal step one is to STOP THE SPENDING!

Written by Marsha L Floyd
All rights reserved


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